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Monday, May 19, 2014

Episode 3 - Clan Wars Updates!

This week Sueshi and take a break from our usual format and talk about the latest Clash of Clans game update and all the new features added to Clan Wars.  We talk about Clan Wars Base Layouts, new stats pages, and the ability to dump Clan Castle Reinforcements in Clan Wars.  We wrap up with some video Highlights for our last Clan War:

Dragon Annihilates Attack
Balloons Busting Bases

Go download and subscribe on iTunes / Stitcher!
-- Stede

Monday, May 12, 2014

Episode 2 - Baiting & Burning Clan Castle Reinforcements Like a Pro

This week, Sueshi and I tell you how to properly bait clan castle reinforcements and deal with them without compromising your attack.  We walk through how to deal with Dragons & Barbarian Kings, and how to spot when a Clan Wars opponent may or may not have a Dragon waiting for you.  We also run through what troops fit best into smaller level Clan Castles so you can protect your lowbie clanmates - including some dark elixir ideas.  We wrap up with some vids that show our advice in action - or what happens when it goes ignored:

Baiting out the Clan Castle (Save Some for the End!)
Single Dragon in Clan Castle Drops a Full Meatshield Faster Than You Can Say Hamburger
Valkyries - 8 slots of Pure Destruction

So go download already!
-- Stede

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Episode 1 - Base Layout Basics

Co-Host Sueshi and I kick off the first episode of the Clash of Casuals Podcast with a brief overview of the show and some crucial discussion about Base Layout Basics - Farming bases vs Trophy bases.  We talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each and help you sort out which is best for you.  We wrap with some highlights and heartbreaks from our last week of clashing.  Links for the replays are below:
-- Stede